Articles on: Managing Teams and Users

Managing Users and Permissions

How To Manage User Account Permissions

Within Box Out, there are two types of users you can add to your organization: Administrators and Team-Only Users

We recommend creating Team Pages before adding users so that you can assign users to specific teams


Add and manage all teams

Add and manage users for the organization and each team

Add templates to team pages

Manage and limit colors allowed in graphics

Link social media accounts (Facebook & Twitter)

Manage subscription settings

Team-Only Users

Can only access teams specified by administrators

Can only create graphics from templates added by administrators (or admins can give one-off authorization for a specific Team-Only User to add templates)

Can only select from colors set by administrators

Can share to social media accounts setup by administrators

How to Setup New Users

On the bottom menu, click on Organization Settings.

On the left menu, click on Admins & Users. Then on the top right, click the Add a User button.

You can then enter in the team members email address and select to make them an Administrator or a Team-Only user to one or more teams.

Organization administrators can assign permissions and template permissions in one action, by checking the box to allow the user to Manage Templates.

These settings can be changed when editing an existing user.

Click Invite User to send the email invitation.

Updated on: 05/30/2023

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