Uploading Photos & Logos
How to Add Photos and Logos to Your Box Out Account
Once you've added a Template to a Team Page the Uploads tab will display on the left-hand side.
Click on the Uploads tab to upload your photos, videos, and logos.
You can upload content by either clicking the icon in the upper right hand corner or you can DRAG & DROP a photo, or multiple photos straight from your desktop.
Uploading Logos
If you are uploading a team logo, we recommend using .png files.
You can upload your team logo or sponsor logos to the LOGOS tab located at the top of the UPLOADS page.
Creating Folders
You can also create individual folders and subfolders - see our detailed article for creating folders.
To move previous uploads into a folder simply click on the checkbox located in the lower left corner of each file thumbnail. Doing so will prompt three choices where you can MOVE, SHARE or DELETE these files.
If you're wanting to SHARE your photos, folders or logos with all of your created Team Pages you can simply click on the checkbox and choose SHARE which will then duplicate these files automatically.
But I don't see an Uploads tab!?...
Note that you must add a template first before uploading any photos, videos or logos.
Updated on: 09/15/2022
Thank you!