Getting Started Guide for Organization Administrators
Getting Started with Your Box Out Account
We want to make sure you are successful in creating amazing graphics for your organization. We've outlined some helpful tutorials to help you get the most out of Box Out. Our customer success team is here for you as well - simply reach out in the chat and we'll do our best to help get you started.
Click on the links below to jump straight to the sections:
Setting up Branding
Create presets to make creating branded graphics even faster.
Connecting Social Media Accounts
Post your graphics directly to social media by connecting your accounts.
Adding teams to your organization
Have multiple divisions? Create teams to separate logos, images, and graphics.
Adding a template to your team
The first step to creating an amazing graphic is adding it to your team :).
Adding Box Out to your mobile home screen
Always on the go? Set up Box Out on your phone to snap a photo and create a graphic in seconds.
Importing Opponents
Setup your opponents by selecting form our extensive database, or uploading your own.
Keep organized with folders and subfolders
In a hurry? Quickly navigate to the right image by using folders.
Set your branding and connect to social media accounts
Branding Colors
Getting your brand setup so your marketing team can
Inside your Team page, click on Settings in the left menu
Across the top, click on Colors
Add your hex value to the text box (or use the color picker) and click Add color

To add the color to all teams you create, click the checkbox under "Share with all teams"
You can also limit the color selections for this or any team by selecting an option from the drop down. By default, "Do no limit the color sections for this team" is selected.

Social Media Accounts
While in your Settings, connect your social media accounts to post directly to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Click Authorize under the account you wish to connect.
Enter your login information
Detailed instructions for authorization can be found in this help article.
Adding Teams to Your Organization
If you have multiple teams or division within your organization, you can add more pages so that each has their own graphics, uploads, logos, and settings. This will also allow you to give users access to specific teams.
Go to your organization and click Teams
On the top right, click Add a Team
Select a team from the dropdown or choose "other" to create a custom name
Click Create and manage or Create and add another

Adding Your First Template
You are now ready to add your first template to your team.
Updated on: 01/24/2023
Thank you!